Blepharoplasty, commonly known as eyelid surgery, can be performed on the upper or lower eyelids or both. There are two types of eyelid surgery: cosmetic blepharoplasty, which is done for aesthetic purposes, and functional blepharoplasty, which is done to correct eyelid-related vision impairment or irritation.

Regardless of which goal the procedure is looking to achieve, eyelid surgery improves the appearance of the eyes, giving you a more youthful look by getting rid of excessive folds, fine lines, and wrinkles. Eyelid surgery can fix common issues like drooping eyelids, undereye bags, and puffiness.

What Is the Procedure for Eyelid Surgery?

Blepharoplasty removes excess skin, muscle, and fat from the eyelids. Depending on the case, only skin may be removed and not muscle or fat. In some cases, you might need the corrective surgery on just the upper eyelids or just the lower lids, or only on a single lid. During the procedure, excess tissue is removed and/or repositioned so that the areas around the eyes are smoother.

The procedure is done under local anesthesia. For droopy eyelids, the surgeon will remove excess tissue on the upper eyelids through a small incision along the natural fold of each eyelid. The muscles that raise the lids are tightened and the incisions are closed. This results in eyes that appear to be more open and are free of any obstructions to field of vision.

For lower-eyelid surgery, incisions are made below the eyelashes or inside the lower lids and then the tissues are altered. Excess fat is removed or redistributed, and loose skin is tightened or removed. The incisions are then closed.

The Recovery Process

During recovery, no makeup should be used and no contact lenses should be worn for at least a week or two. Avoiding those two things will ensure that healing is uninhibited and there is no risk of infection.

You will need to apply antibiotic ointment on the skin after the surgery, which the surgeon will prescribe. In the case of dissolvable sutures, they should take about a week to dissolve. For non-dissolving sutures, the surgeon will remove them in a week’s time during a follow-up visit.

Post-operative swelling is normal, and it can be mitigated by applying cold compress for a day or two. From the third day onwards, applying a warm compress can be helpful in the healing process. Redness and dryness may also occur, for which the surgeon will be able to prescribe some remedies.

The full results of your eyelid surgery will be visible only after a few months, after full recovery of the areas. Give it time and the results will not disappoint.

What Are the Results of Eyelid Surgery?

If you want eyes that are more open and youthful looking, a blepharoplasty is what you’re looking for. You won’t have excess skin causing irritation or fine lines or wrinkles around the eyes making you feel self-conscious about your looks. The results are not dramatic but are instead subtle and natural.

Contact Us to Arrange Your Consultation

A simple eyelid surgery can leave you looking vibrant and bright-eyed without the transformation seeming jarring and unnatural. To learn more about blepharoplasty, contact us and set up an appointment for an informative consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Carl Lentz.