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Removing a Nasal Hump with Rhinoplasty

A distinctive bump on the bridge of a person’s nose can attract unwanted attention and teasing. Many people have an unsightly hump on their nose that they wish would just go away. Help is here – a pronounced nasal hump can be removed using rhinoplasty surgery.

Causes of a Nasal Hump

The primary cause for a nasal hump is often expressed as a part of one’s genotypic inheritance; a nasal hump can run in the family, so you might have a distant aunt or uncle to blame for that bump on your nose. You may be born with it or develop it during natural nasal growth.

A childhood fall from the swing set or a broken nose as a result of an altercation can create the appearance of a nasal hump. In the adult years, nasal trauma in the form of an accident can also result in the development of a pronounced nasal hump.

Composition of a Nasal Hump

The composition of the nasal bridge is composed of bone (the upper third) and cartilaginous tissue (the lower two thirds). Depending on the exact location of a patient’s nasal hump, it can be made of bone, cartilage, or both types of tissues.

Usually, the hump is localized on the cartilaginous vault between the nasal septum and the upper lateral cartilages. The upper lateral cartilages and nasal septum lie side by side, and any injury or trauma to one will usually affect the other.

Removing a Nasal Hump with Rhinoplasty

The first step to removing a nasal hump is scheduling a consultation with Dr. Lentz. During this consultation, a pre-surgical evaluation is carried out. The patient’s medical history is studied, and any allergies or chances for complications are weighed.

Factors such as nasal trauma and any previous nose jobs will be accounted for. In case of a nasal injury, photographs showing the prior condition of nose will be referred to for guiding the treatment. An X-ray will be carried out to ascertain the shape, size, and symmetry of the nasal bones.

The proportion of nasal cartilage to bone in the dorsal hump will be ascertained. An examination of the nasal interior will be done to determine if the nasal abnormalities affect or obstruct the nasal passages. The quality and thickness of the overlying skin will be determined to help gauge potential post-operative success.

During the procedure, incisions are carried out to expose the bone and cartilage. There are two approaches to smoothing out the bump. The primary approach includes removing the unwanted portion with a cutting instrument. The second more modern approach involves “sandpapering” the hump down, which offers better control over the procedure.

Once the procedure is complete, the incisions will be closed with sutures and the nose will be carefully dressed. Post-operative care directions will be given to the patient by Dr. Lentz.

Find Out More About Rhinoplasty

Ready to get the straight and flat nasal bridge you’ve been wanting? If so, it’s time to contact the office of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Carl Lentz and schedule a consultation. Dr. Lentz will be happy to answer any questions you may have and show you before-and-after photos.